 I am a freelance illustrator and graphic designer based in Vienna/Austria.
My illustrations always come from a conceptional approach.
I often use gestures, postures and symbolic elements to visualize ideas and create surreal compositions. 

Feel free to contact me (hello[at]dianabobb.com) for projects, collaborations or just to say hi :)

Adobe, Beltz und Gelberg, Missy Magazine, Grüne Wirtschaft, SOS Mitmensch, Komplex Kulturmagazin, Löwenzahn Verlag, International Mozarteum Foundation, Central European University, Demner Merlicek & Bergmann, Gurkerl.at, The Keep Eco Residence, Studio Steinwender, Formlos, Christian Ecker, Bibelwelt Salzburg

Artist Residencies:
July-September 2023 - Artist Residency in Paris at Cité Internationale des arts

[2023] Cité international des arts, Paris
[2021] „Ansichtssache“, Schloss Ulmerfeld, Amstetten
[2019] RHZM Kunstfestival, Obertrum bei Salzburg
[2018] „A brand new edition“, Festung Hohensalzburg, Salzburg
[2017] „Forever Young“, Designforum, Graz
[2015] „Alle haben alles gesehen“ ORF Funkhaus, Graz
[2015] „Klangräume“, esc medien kunst labor, Graz
Thank you!
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